The Dream Dealer's Daughter

How I Add Music and Sound Effects | A Bonus Episode

Episode Summary

In this week's bonus episode, I discuss the process of how I add music and sound effects to the podcast. Also, this will be the last bonus episode for a few weeks while I focus on getting the main chapters scheduled for release. Thanks!!

Episode Notes

New chapters are posted on Tuesdays!!

Episode Description: In this week's bonus episode, I discuss the process of how I add music and sound effects to the podcast. 

FYI: I'll be taking a break from the Friday bonus episodes for a few weeks so I can focus on prepping the main chapters for release on Tuesdays.

Make sure you are subscribed to the show!!!!  Please share that you are listening online and leave the podcast a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Thanks so much!!!!

The Dream Dealer's Daughter is a fiction podcast for those who love anything and everything about time travel, mind reading, and magical science fiction.