The Dream Dealer's Daughter

What's So Special About Paris? | A Bonus Episode

Episode Summary

If Nargus can travel to any variance, to any place in time, why Paris? The Dream Dealer's Daughter is a serialized cinematic fiction podcast from the mind of Emily Macomber.

Episode Notes

A behind the scenes episode: If Nargus can travel to any variance, to any place in time... why Paris?

In this week's bonus episode, I talk a bit about how long it took me to write the first draft and why Paris is significant to The Dream Dealer's Daughter.

New chapters are posted on Tuesdays & behind the scenes episodes are posted on Fridays!

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The Dream Dealer's Daughter is a cinematic sci-fi fantasy audiobook/podcast produced and published independently. 

Announcement: To travel time and its dimensions, you must leave behind your body. Remember, nothing physical can travel time. To avoid unwanted symptoms of Drift, upon arrival in your new dimension, be sure to acquire a recycled body with the help of your local Dream Dealer. Safe travels!

Keywords: #fictionpodcast #sciencefiction #stories #scifi #fantasy #audiodrama